Satellite Evolution

Jun 26, 20202 min

New WTA report, “Insights that Improve Quality of Service,” provides key data from WTA certification

The World Teleport Association (WTA) has released High Performance: Insights that Improve Quality of Service, a new research report in the High Performance series that explores the biggest threats to quality of service, how management practice affects QOS outcomes and the sometimes-unexpected factors that underpin high performance or lead to its opposite.


“Quality of service concerns typically focus on technology or infrastructure issues,” said executive director and report author Robert Bell. “But give WTA auditors a chance to talk about what they see in the field, and the issues turn out to be much more nuanced, relating to management priorities, how teams function and expectations for the future.”


WTA members can access the report by signing in to their accounts on the WTA website. The report is free for WTA Members and available for purchase by others. Members may directly download the report by following this link.

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</v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif]The WTA Teleport Certification program relies on a group of auditors to conduct onsite inspections of teleports undergoing certification. They work from the results of the detailed questionnaire that teleport operators complete in the provisional certification stage. The inspection aims to confirm the data in the questionnaire but also to evaluate the facility and operating procedures in their context.


As one auditor put it, “operational excellence varies by market: where customers can’t afford redundancy platforms, for example, teleports quite rightly won’t install them. Customers in higher-value markets, on the other hand, rightly expect full redundancy.”


For this report, we interviewed three of WTA’s most experienced auditors about what they have learned from conducting multiple teleport audits.