Satellite Evolution

Aug 26, 20202 min

New WTA report, “The Cybersecurity Buzzwords Every Manager Needs to Know,” provides guidance into ke

The World Teleport Association (WTA) today released The Cybersecurity Buzzwords Every Manager Needs to Know, a new research report that serves as a guide to terms that managers are most likely to encounter when grappling with cyberthreats and the practices and technologies that protect against them.


“Cybersecurity is filled with buzzwords,” said executive director and report author Robert Bell. “They mean something important to practitioners, but they can be a real barrier to understanding for the managers who have to make cybersecurity decisions, even if their expertise is in finance, sales or satellite technology. We select 13 terms that are in most common use and provide plain English explanations of them and why they matter.”


WTA members can access the report by signing in to their accounts on the WTA website. The report is available free and exclusively to WTA Members. Members may directly download the report by following this link.

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</v:shape><![endif][if !vml][endif]Like every technology field, cybersecurity is filled with buzzwords. They have vital meaning to practitioners – but they can also be a barrier to understanding for managers who have to make decisions about cybersecurity based on their knowledge of finance, sales or satellite communications.


Drawing on the expertise of cybersecurity professionals and educators, WTA offers this guide to terms you are most likely to encounter when grappling with cyberthreats and the practices and technologies that protect against them. The terms addressed in this guide include Code Injection, Distributed Denial of Service, Domain Name Server, Keylogging, Multi-factor Authentication, Packet Sniffing, Penetration Testing, Secure Socket Layer, Spoofing, Trojan, Virus, Virtual Private Networks and Worm.
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