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KRYTAR announces new compact, ultra-broadband 2-way Power Divider covers 4 to 40 GHz

Satellite Evolution Group

KRYTAR announces a new 2-way Power Divider offering high performance over the ultra-broadband frequency range of 4.0 to 40.0 GHz (C- through Ka-Bands) in a compact package. The new power divider offers the ultimate solution for emerging designs and test and measurement applications including mmWave, 5G, radar, satellite communications (SATCOM) and more.

KRYTAR’s technological advances provide excellent operating performance of this new 2-way unit. Model 6040400 covers the full frequency range from 4.0 to 40.0 GHz with >14.0 dB Isolation and ±0.5 dB of maximum Amplitude Tracking, and maximum Phase Tracking of ±8 degrees. The 2-way divider exhibits Insertion Loss of <2.1 dB across the full frequency range. Maximum Input VSWR is 1.9 and Maximum Output VSWR is 2.1. Input power rating is 10 watts with 2:1 load VSWRs. Units with tighter Amplitude and Phase Tracking specifications can be supplied.

The power divider is a compact package measuring just 1.30 inches (L) x 1.00 inches (W) x 0.40 inches (H), weighs only 1.1-ounces, and comes with standard 2.4-mm coaxial Female Connectors and Optional 2.92-mm Female Connectors.

KRYTAR’s new Model 6040400 power divider offers the widest frequency coverage in a single package on the market and provides superior performance. Targeting broadband electronic warfare (EW) systems and complex switch-matrix applications, for example, KRYTAR has used its proprietary design to produce a wide assortment of matched-line directional dividers (MLDD) with excellent performance over ultra-broadband frequencies. KRYTAR MLDD 2-way power dividers are a new class of patented directional devices. The directional coupler can be manufactured to meet ridged military specifications.

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