Atech, a company of the Embraer Group, will be one of the Brazilian highlights at IDEX 2017 (International Defense Exhibition and Conference). Atech is going to showcase its vast experience in technologies for military and civilian command and control systems, as well as combat systems and simulators, all developed for catering to the needs of the Brazilian Armed Forces. IDEX 2017 takes place in Abu Dhabi from February 19 to 23.
Known as the Brazilian “System House,” Atech always seeks innovation in order to transform Brazil. That is the essence and the purpose of the company, which has decades of successful products and fulfilled deliveries under its belt. Owning a unique expertise in system engineering, situational awareness and decision-making support technology, Atech develops innovative solutions in the fields of air traffic, command and control systems, cybersecurity, smart grids, instrumentation and control solutions, logistics and apps for smartphones and mobile devices.
Enjoying the status of leading Brazilian company in the field of complex critical mission systems and providing integrated solutions for defense, security, air traffic and civilian applications, Atech manages the full system life cycle from concept to functional installation. Its leadership in projects such as the Amazon Surveillance System (SIVAM) and the Nuclear-Electric Generation Laboratory (LABGENE), as well as the system for the monitoring and defense of the Brazilian airspace, emphasizes the company’s excellence in delivering solutions for the Brazilian Armed Forces. Atech is a certified Strategic Defense Company in Brazil.
This track record also allows the company to join the prime group of Brazilian companies exporting high-tech solutions. Its competence for facilitating airspace management—with solutions that integrate more than 150 sensors into systems for critical missions and coverage of more than 22 million square kilometers and 3 million flights per year—opened up opportunities for the company to take part in the development of the H225M helicopter’s Naval Mission Tactic System for the Brazilian Navy (H-XBR), as well of the F-X2 Mission and Simulator Support System for Brazilian F-X2 combat aircrafts.
Defense Systems
C2 and C4I Systems - Atech provides solid expertise in Command and Control Systems, which feature all available information regarding the monitored area, increasing situational awareness and enabling command officers to make more assertive and functional decisions (planning, monitoring). Those systems have different purposes such as command, control, communications, computing, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. In collaboration with Embraer and the other companies of the Embraer Group, Atech has been working in this field to offer complete and integrated solutions.
Built-in Systems - Atech’s proven know-how and experience in the design, development and integration of critical systems earn the company a unique and prominent position as a strategic partner of the Brazilian Armed Forces in various built-in system projects and activities related to the integration, development of mission systems and logistics support. Atech plays an important role in the creation of the Navy Mission Tactical System featured in eight helicopters acquired by the Brazilian Navy for the H-XBR Program; and also in the Technology Transfer program (offset) of the Brazilian government for the P P-3AM ORION Program, a Maritime Patrol aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force. The company works in the updating of built-in systems, integration of new systems to the air platform, and personnel training for the maintenance of aircraft systems. Recently, in a partnership with the Brazilian Air Force and SAAB, the company has been transferring technology and developing systems for mission support, training and simulation in the F-X2 program.
Simulators - Atech also possesses extensive experience in developing simulation solutions for the Brazilian Armed Forces, with integrated systems for simulated military scenarios consisting of different modules: air, land and sea targets; sensor detection; command and control; flight; electronic warfare information; combat vehicles; anti-aircraft artillery; and periscope. The Military Air Operation Simulator (SOpM) is a great example of Atech’s capabilities, rendering scenarios for training Air Defense Controllers with tools such as external interface simulations; preparation, storage and execution of training procedures; data recording for student evaluation; and simultaneous drills, among other features.
Cybersecurity – Matters related to cybernetics are currently one of the main concerns of governments and companies. Atech masters technologies for an effective performance in cybersecurity, being able to provide support for projects in the public and private sectors with extensive and customized solutions aimed at preserving assets, reducing loss and adding value to business. To that end, Atech has developed ATHENA, an integrated hardware & software solution that operates as a security platform in a box. The product enables safe access to Web applications via the internet or any other network regarded as risky.