Esterline Belgium (formerly Barco Defense & Aerospace) has announced the signature of a Memorandum of Agreement with Lockheed Martin as part of the F-16 Replacement Program’s Essential Security Interests. Through this agreement, both companies will seek to develop further long-term partnerships if the Belgian government decides to choose the F-35 as successor for its F-16s.
This partnership will mainly concern avionics and rugged display products.
Kristof Vierin, Vice President, Sales, Avionics Systems of Esterline Belgium, said: “I am pleased that we signed this MoA with Lockheed Martin. This will extend the relationship between our companies for decades to come. For Esterline Belgium, strengthening its collaboration with Lockheed Martin will also mean more activity for our facility in Kortrijk”.
Gregory Day, F-35 Belgium Business Development from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, stated: “Lockheed Martin is thrilled to strengthen its collaboration with Esterline in Belgium and to mutually explore research and development opportunities that will further develop Esterline as a best value provider, as well as growing our presence in multiple key markets”.
In September 2015, Esterline Belgium, together with Ilias Solutions, Sabca and Sonaca, had already concluded an initial agreement with Lockheed Martin to seek further collaborations in the framework of the F-16 replacement program.