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Coalition for Deep Space Exploration congratulates Pam Melroy on Senate Confirmation

The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration congratulates Col. Pam Melroy on her confirmation as NASA Deputy Administrator. As a former US Air Force test pilot, astronaut, and space shuttle commander, Melroy clearly has what author Tom Wolfe called the Right Stuff!

Pam Melroy, Deputy NASA Administrator

With leadership roles at the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Office of Commercial Space Transportation, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Lockheed Martin, and the National Space Council’s Users’ Advisory Group, Melroy brings unique insight into how government and industry can coordinate efforts to push boundaries in space. Her broad range of technical and managerial experience will be a great asset in her new role at NASA.

“Deputy Administrator Melroy’s remarkable technical, managerial, and policy backgrounds, and her knowledge of NASA as well as the international space community, will be critical for tackling the agency’s challenges and advancing its goals, especially as Orion, SLS and other systems are being readied to take Americans back to the Moon,” said Frank Slazer, President and CEO of the Coalition. “Melroy brings diversity to NASA’s leadership and a set of skills that complement Administrator Bill Nelson’s extensive political and policy experience in the space sector.”

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