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  • Satellite Evolution

Deadline approaching for ManSat scholarships to United Space School

Sixth-form students can win scholarships to represent the Isle of Man at the 2022 United Space School in Houston, Texas. The annual United Space School takes place from July 24th to August 8th with the ManSat Group awarding up to three scholarships to Year 12 and 13 students in the Isle of Man.

The successful scholars will travel to Houston and work alongside peers from around the world to plan a space mission, with support from NASA astronauts, engineers, and scientists. The Space School is run by the Foundation for International Space Education (FISE).

The scholarships are awarded in cooperation with the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, with the first recipient, in 2000, being Dr Jennifer Stone, who is now Chief Technical Officer for ManSat.

Jennifer said: “ManSat has run this competition every year since 2000, with 44 Isle of Man students having attended Space School. Because of the pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 space schools were both held online. We hope the 2022 edition will be back in Houston, with a final decision on whether it will be held in-person or online to be made by the end of March.

“Usually, our scholarships are open to Year 12 students, but this year we are extending our competition to both Year 12 and 13 so that all sixth-form students will have had the opportunity to apply to go to Houston during their school career.”

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