Expedition Technology (EXP), a leader in the development and deployment of novel solutions supporting the defense and intelligence communities, today announced it has won a contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Through the Small Business Innovation Research program, DTRA sought solutions to take advantage of equipment deployed forces already carry to increase sensemaking capabilities that decrease the time from threat detection to action.
In response, EXP proposed Distributed Communication for Tactical Edge Reasoning (DCTER). DCTER supports the transition of sensemaking from a centralized network-based, device-centric approach to a distributed, secure virtual processing sensor network model.
To achieve this objective, DCTER leverages machine learning to augment the computational and processing capabilities of existing, commercially available mobile edge devices, including cell phones and associated equipment that comprise DTRA Tactical Assault Kits (TAK), such as the Android TAK and the Joint Operations Center TAK. By moving intelligence closer to the end user, DCTER reduces communications requirements, bandwidth, and delays, without introducing human factors or physical burdens to personnel in the field. Forces can execute more responsively and effectively, enhancing their safety and security.
“DCTER builds on the machine learning expertise and solutions we have previously delivered to defense and intelligence agencies and offers the potential to fundamentally change situational awareness and sensemaking,” said Marc Harlacher, EXP’s President and CEO. “We believe this transition can be completed quickly, cost-effectively, and without increasing user complexity to deliver the advantages our forces need and deserve.”