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  • Satellite Evolution

Flying over 57,500 passengers to space by 2031 - Orbital travel to capture US$20.3 billion

NSR’s newly released Space Tourism & Travel Markets, 3rd Edition (STT3) report sees over 57,500 passengers heading to space through the decade, generating US$20.3 Billion cumulative revenues. NSR’s STT3 finds the rapid growth seen in the Space Tourism & Travel Markets driven by a growing commercial passenger interest, along with government funding and demand.

As the most stable and lucrative segment through 2031, Orbital Travel is set to capture 66 percent of total revenue opportunity. Orbital Travel has strong government support with initiatives such as the Commercial Crew program and commercial company led Space Station development. High ticket prices, coupled with very strong demand, results in a fast-growing market, even amongst delays.

“Orbital Travel continues to advance, shaped by government market support, though it will take some time for other markets to reach their stride,” notes report Co-author Dallas Kasaboski. “Delays and missed milestones are common and will continue given the high-costs and risks of developing human flight capabilities, yet across the field, opportunities are on the rise.”

With increasing interest in Parabolic flights as a training ground for other segments, such as suborbital & orbital, this market will fly most passengers through the decade. Such multi-vertical collaborations now build the foundations for emerging markets, diversifying revenue opportunity towards future gains.

With missions already in development, interest is mounting in the nascent Beyond Earth market, seeing significant longer-term revenue opportunity with early engagement driving progress.

“The emerging Beyond Earth segment has already received substantial investment to take people to the Moon and back,” states report Co-author Hussain Bokhari. “While likely to be developed with government Astronauts in mind and shaped by trends in that sector, commercial opportunities will be significant.”

With each market milestone successfully achieved, commercial and government interest grows. Space Tourism & Travel Markets will move quickly with diverse opportunities for engagement and development. The sector is definitely one to watch.

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