The Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA), welcomes the introduction of the Telecom Bill in the Indian Parliament. In particular, the chapter on spectrum assignment for space-based services is a major step forward in recognising and leveraging the full potential of satellite communications to foster innovation, bring increased connectivity to India’s citizens and advance the country’s digital transformation.
The Telecoms Bill’s approach on administrative assignment of spectrum for a range of telecommunications services, including many satellite-based services and in-flight and maritime connectivity, is a forward-looking initiative toward aligning India’s satellite Industry with long-standing global standards & best practices. This approach not only ensures appropriate distribution of satellite-based services, but also enables the industry to continue innovating, investing, and working towards universal connectivity, while fostering a level playing field for all players.
“Satellite is one of the most exciting and dynamic industry sectors, with an increasingly innovative landscape”, said Isabelle Mauro, Director General of GSOA. “We are very appreciative of the Ministry's dialogue with industry and efforts to understanding and incorporating industry’s perspectives in the new Bill. We look forward to continuing our dialogue with the government to ensure that the power of satellite communications is fully leveraged, to bring a connected future that delivers growth and prosperity to the entire population of India.” She added.
Ensuring that the spectrum assignment for satellite-based services is executed in a manner that maximises the potential of satellite technology is crucial for the development of India and for extending connectivity and the benefits of digital inclusion to all Indian citizens, including those in rural and other difficult-to-serve areas.
Having the right policy and spectrum assignment process in place will not only open up investment opportunities in India, but will also enable satellite communication services to effectively ensure connectivity in far-flung villages, bridging the digital divide and supporting the implementation of government’s programs such as Digital India.
For more information visit: https://gsoasatellite.com