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  • Satellite Evolution

New WTA report, 2021 Cloud Forecast for Teleport Operators, explores demand for cloud services

The World Teleport Association (WTA) today released 2021 Cloud Forecast for Teleport Operators, a new research report that explores how teleport operators are letting cloud services transform their operations, the markets where they are finding cloud service growth and the requirements for success in a cloud-dominated environment.

“Members of WTA’s Technology Advisory Board have called the cloud the greatest opportunity for teleport operators since the start of cellular backhaul via satellite,” said executive director Robert Bell. “With the massive move to the cloud by most organizations, demand for data transmission for ingress and egress is skyrocketing. Teleport operators that are equipped to serve that market will see strong growth. Yet, on average today, they are adopting cloud capabilities much more slowly than their customers. That’s a trend that needs to be reversed.”

WTA members can access the report by signing into their accounts on the WTA website. The report is free for WTA Members and available for purchase by others. Members may directly download the report by following this link.

A 2018 study by IDG based on a survey of IT executives in developed nations showed just how far adoption of cloud computing had come:

  • 77 percent of enterprises had at least a portion of their computing infra-structure in the cloud

  • Respondents expected to spend an average of US$46.4M on cloud applications, platforms and services that year, with 30 percent of all IT budgets allocated to the cloud.

By 2020, IDG found that 92 percent of enterprises had put at least a portion of their computing into the cloud, average annual investment had nearly doubled to US$74 million and almost half the applications they were running were purpose-built for the cloud environment.

It was in 2018 that WTA first reported on how teleport and satellite operators were integrating the cloud into their operations and client solutions. In 2021, we take a fresh look at the subject.

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