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Satellite Evolution

New WTA report explores teleport innovations to weather a changing video distribution market

The World Teleport Association (WTA) today released “It’s Alive!” How Innovation Enables Teleport Success in a Changing Video Distribution Market, a new research report that details major shifts in the broadcast distribution market and how savvy teleport operators have adapted to radical change to sustain and grow their businesses.

“Satellite delivery of video in industrialized nations continues to give way to broadband streaming,” said executive director Robert Bell, “though it remains healthy in markets with limited broadband penetration. That long-term decline shows up clearly in the financial results of satellite operators, but teleport operators are adapting in technology and operations to position themselves on the right side of the streaming revolution for the media customers they have long served.”

WTA members can access the report by signing in to their accounts on the WTA website. The report is free for WTA Members and available for purchase by others. Members may directly download the report by following this link and logging in with their username and password.

Broadcast distribution was the original satellite services market band its growth powered the first great expansion of the teleport industry. Then came developments on the ground that changed the tune: the rise of anytime-anywhere consumption of TV, high-resolution streaming services exploiting higher-speed, lower-cost terrestrial connectivity, and the cloud and content distribution networks as alternatives for distribution. But the trends hitting the revenues of satellite operators have not necessarily made themselves felt in the teleport business. Innovative operators have changed their investment strategies, revamped technology and operations, built new expertise in-house and effectively targeted today’s broader range of content origination and distribution companies as customers.

In this report, WTA examines how the growth of broadcast distribution via satellite powered the first great expansion of the teleport industry and the impact of the remarkable rise of anytime-anywhere consumption of TV.


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