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  • Satellite Evolution Group

HD+ Stream enhances mobile TV experience with flexibility and convenience

SES's subsidiary in Germany, HD PLUS, has expanded its content service portfolio to audiences with a new video streaming offering. Designed for smartphones and tablets, HD+ Stream allows “on the go” users to enjoy 80+ HD channels and a wide variety of content on their mobile devices without a HD+ TV subscription.

HD+ Stream offers several flexible features, including a search function to easily find content on live TV or in media libraries, a comprehensive TV guide for personal program planning, a re-start function, and a reminder function. Up to two streams can be used simultaneously on a total of five different devices, including an option to watch content on a TV screen via HD+ IP.

HD+ Stream joins the innovative line-up of services including HD+ ToGo, HD+ IP, as well as HD+ via satellite which will soon feature an updated TV app designed to improve the content viewing experience.

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