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  • Satellite Evolution

Pierre-Yves Tissier appointed Chief Technical Officer at Arianespace

Pierre-Yves Tissier began his career in 1985 at Bertin Technologies, in the turbo-machinery and thermodynamics department before joining the SNPE (today, ArianeGroup) research center, five years later, as Head of the Internal Ballistics Laboratory, a position in which he led numerous projects in civil and military launcher propulsion, in collaboration with the French space agency, CNES, and the French defense procurement agency, DGA.

Pierre-Yves Tissier, Arianespace's new Chief Technical Officer

In September 1996, Pierre-Yves Tissier joined the Solid Propulsion and Pyrotechnics department of Arianespace’s Industrial Directorate as manager of Ariane 5’s Solid-Propellant Engine, and went on to head the same department in 2000. In 2006, following the merger of the Solid Propulsion and Liquid Propulsion departments, Pierre-Yves Tissier was appointed Head of the Propulsion Department of the company’s Programs Directorate, a position he held for three years before his promotion to Deputy Head of Division – Launchers in Production.

In 2017, he was appointed deputy to the Chief Technical Officer, preparing him for the position he is now assuming. Pierre-Yves Tissier holds a doctorate in Applied Mathematics.

“I would like to welcome Pierre-Yves Tissier to Arianespace’s Executive Committee where he succeeds Roland Lagier as Chief Technical Officer. Roland’s meticulous work at Arianespace over the last 24 years played a decisive role in guaranteeing the reliability and quality of our launch services. Pierre-Yves, who joined our ranks in 1996, is fully familiar with our operations and the standards we set for ourselves. He will be able to rise to the challenge of this key mission that he now possesses,” said Stéphane Israël, Chief Executive Officer of Arianespace.

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