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  • Satellite Evolution

Space Data Association appoints new Chairman - Joe Chan of Intelsat

Joe Chan, Director of Flight Dynamics at Intelsat has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Space Data Association (SDA), a non-profit international association of satellite operators. Joe Chan will take over from SES’s Pascal Wauthier, as Chairman from 1st November.

Having worked with Intelsat for 22 years, Joe brings invaluable knowledge and experience to the role. As Director of Flight Dynamics at Intelsat, he oversees the FDS operation and engineering of more than 70 geostationary satellites that Intelsat currently operates. Prior to joining Intelsat he worked at Goddard Space Flight Centre on the TOPEX/POSEIDON and Mars Observer projects.

The Space Data Association is an international organization that brings together satellite operators to support the controlled, reliable, and efficient sharing of data critical to the safety and integrity of the space environment. Formed in 2009, the SDA aims to enhance safety of flight via sharing of operational data and promotion of best practices across the industry.

Joe Chan, Intelsat commented: “The SDA plays an incredibly important role in enhancing the safety of space flight through the sharing of knowledge and data. I have long been a supporter of, and contributor to, the work of the SDA and am pleased to be appointed as Chairman. I would also like to say thank you to Pascal Wauthier for his expert chairmanship over the course of the last few years, during which time the SDA has gone from strength to strength.”

Pascal Wauthier, Chairman, the Space Data Association, commented: “I’m pleased to be handing over the baton to such a well-qualified and knowledgeable individual as Joe. I look forward to watching the SDA membership grow and strengthen in the years to come, as the SDA continues to work together to enhance and improve space flight safety.”

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