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  • Satellite Evolution

ViaSat-3 Americas en route to geostationary orbit; on target for service launch mid CY 2023

Viasat Inc., a global communications company, today announced the successful launch of ViaSat-3 Americas aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Please credit to SapceX - VS3 Takeoff

ViaSat-3 lifted off yesterday at 8:26 pm EDT, and approximately four hours and thirty-two minutes after liftoff, the satellite separated from the launch vehicle. First signals from the satellite were acquired approximately 15 minutes later through a ground station in South Korea. In the coming days, ViaSat-3 will deploy its solar arrays and drift to its final orbital location. Viasat expects it will take less than three weeks for ViaSat-3 to reach its final orbital destination, located at 88.9° west longitude.

Mark Dankberg, Viasat’s chairman and CEO commented, “Today’s successful launch of ViaSat-3 Americas opens a new chapter in Viasat’s growth. This first Americas satellite will multiply our available bandwidth, and enable faster speeds and more coverage - especially for our mobility customers. It’s not just a new satellite, it’s a new way to build broadband satellites. Thanks so much to all our people, and our partners, for their commitment and dedication to getting this done.”

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