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Satellite Evolution Group

WTA Certification Program renews Tier 4 Certification of Hellas Sat Space Centre in Cyprus

WTA Certification Program renews Tier 4 Certification of Hellas Sat Space Centre in Cyprus

The World Teleport Association (WTA) has announced that Hellas Sat has successfully renewed the Tier 4 certification of its Space Centre in Cyprus under WTA’s Teleport Certification Program.

Full Certification under the WTA program is the result of a comprehensive data-collection and inspection process. A teleport operator completes a +170-item questionnaire and submits it to WTA. The Association analyzes the data based on standards established by its Certification Committee and issues the Provisional Certification based on the self-reported information. The teleport then has six months to achieve Full Certification. To achieve Full Certification under WTA’s program, an auditor is dispatched to visit the teleport, provide independent validation of the data submitted in the questionnaire, and identify additional factors that may positively or negatively affect the score. Full Certification is issued at a Tier number from 1 through 4, of which 4 represents the highest degree of excellence, and remains in effect for 3 years.

“Hellas Sat’s dedication to excellence and innovation in our operations has been a driving force behind achieving Tier 4 certification. We are proud to set a benchmark for quality in the industry,” said Christodoulos Protopapas, CEO at Hellas Sat.

“As part of Arabsat Hellas Sat operates a major teleport in Cyprus with a long-term commitment to excellence in technology, facilities and operations,” said executive director Robert Bell. “It supports a wide range of applications from media to mobile, and Certification gives each of those customers confidence that Hellas Sat can meet their full range of needs.”


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