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  • Satellite Evolution

WTA opens nominations for the 2022 Teleport Awards for Excellence

The World Teleport Association (WTA) has announced the opening of nominations for the 2022 Teleport Awards for Excellence. WTA’s Teleport Awards have been presented annually since 1995 to companies and individuals who have dramatically demonstrated excellence in the field of teleport operations, development and technology. Nominations for the 2022 Teleport Awards for Excellence must be submitted to WTA by January 31, 2022.

“Teleport operators are the lesser-known creators of value in satellite communications,” said executive director Robert Bell. “Satellites in orbit continue to gain in capability, but the vital integration of the digital highway and skyway to deliver solutions takes place the teleport. For more than a quarter-century, we have been proud to salute, once a year, the organizations, people and technology that get it done.”

Nominations are now being accepted for:

  • Independent Teleport Operator of the Year Awarded to an outstanding operator of a commercial communications hub that uses a combination of satellite, fiber, and terrestrial wireless to provide value-added services to customers in broadcasting, enterprise, carrier or government markets.

  • Teleport Technology of the Year Awarded to an organization whose technology has contributed to the business and operational success of teleports through lower costs, increased efficiency, new capabilities or access to new markets.

In addition to the Independent Teleport Operator of the Year and the Teleport Technology of the Year, WTA will also present an award for the Teleport Executive of the Year, to be selected by an awards committee of the association. The 2022 Teleport Awards will be presented at a luncheon ceremony for invited guests at the SATELLITE 2022 conference in Washington, DC.

Submitting a Nomination

Nominations must be submitted using the PDF electronic forms or online forms available on the WTA website and may be either emailed or printed and submitted in hard copy. In addition, nominees are welcome to supply accompanying materials in support of their nomination, as described on the WTA’s Teleport Awards Criteria page.

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