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Preparing the next-generation Tiger attack helicopter

Satellite Evolution

Preparing the next-generation Tiger attack helicopter

The Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR), acting on behalf of the French, German and Spanish Armament agencies DGA, BAAINBw and DGAM, has awarded a de-risking study to a European consortium comprising Airbus Helicopters, Thales and MDBA for the mid-life upgrade (MLU) of the Tiger attack helicopter to the Mk 3 standard.

France, Germany and Spain will prepare together the development of new features and identify the innovations needed to improve the Tiger’s survivability and keep it fully operational beyond 2040. The MLU will provide the armed forces with a Tiger fleet that is fully prepared to face new and emerging threats through. For Thales, it is an opportunity to propose the latest-generation interactive cockpit and upgraded TopOwl helmet-mounted sight and display.

“This contract is another step forward for Europe’s defence community and the consolidation of our industry. It is a further endorsement of our technological excellence, our technical expertise in Tiger systems, and the benefits of constructive cooperation within the European industry, and with Airbus Helicopters in particular.” – Christian Bardot, Thales Vice President, Helicopter Avionics activities.

178 Tiger attack helicopters have been delivered France, Germany, Spain and Australia.

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