ST Engineering iDirect, a company of ST Engineering North America, today announced that it will return to Operation Convergent Response (OCR2019) November 19 - 21, 2019 at the Guardian Center in Perry, Georgia, to demonstrate how the latest satellite communications (satcom) technologies can assist emergency first responders.
OCR2019 is the third annual public safety technology expo and live demonstration event hosted by Verizon and Nokia in collaboration with the Guardian Center and Aegex Technologies. OCR2019 brings together the world’s most innovative companies to showcase and test their technologies with first response teams during live emergency response operations. This year, OCR attendees will have the opportunity to observe six different scenarios, all driven by real-life global events.
“Every year, Operation Convergent Response lets first responders and technology companies come together to live test disaster response solutions and innovations in a way that just cannot be done in lab tests,” said Kevin Steen, President and CEO, ST Engineering iDirect. “We are proud to join our partner Verizon in supporting the critical work of the public sector community with solutions from the satellite industry.”
ST Engineering iDirect will demonstrate its satcom solutions during the Cyberattack on Critical Infrastructure scenario. With satellite-enabled mobile command vehicles, emergency response teams can send data — from video to voice — en route to and at the frontlines of a disaster site. These mobile command vehicles can also help residents connect with loved ones, coordinate essential services and restore communities. Satellite also powers emerging technologies used by disaster relief efforts such as video uplinks from drones and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as chemical sensors, personnel beacons and container logistics trackers — especially in areas where traditional infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed.
During the Cyberattack on Critical Infrastructure scenario, ST Engineering iDirect’s satcom solutions will power a Kymeta u7 terminal mounted on a Can-Am vehicle so first responders can establish a common operating picture and build situational awareness directly from the scene. The u7 terminal’s flat panel antenna, paired with an iDirect Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) modem, is small enough to fit on a variety of emergency vehicles, from patrol cars to SWAT; the technology allows for on-the-move and on-the-pause communications through satellite networks and continuity of operations in any condition.
ST Engineering iDirect is also working with Verizon to provide general communications support for attendees of OCR2019 with its cells-on-wheels (COWs) and Cells-on-Light-Trucks (COLTs) powered by our Newtec VSAT solutions. In disaster response scenarios, COWs and COLTs are used to reestablish critical voice and data connectivity in times when traditional wireless connectivity is not available.
For more information on OCR2019, visit https://enterprise.verizon.com/solutions/public-sector/public-safety/ocr/#scenarios.