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New WTA report, “Service Automation and Orchestration for Teleport Operators”

Satellite Evolution

The World Teleport Association (WTA) today released Service Automation and Orchestration for Teleport Operators, a new research report that shares insights from thought leaders around the industry on the power of process automation to drive high QOS, revenue growth and new business models. In the report, executives share their experiences and discuss a range of topics from the role of service orchestration, where it can be applied for the most benefit and key steps to doing so successfully. The report was sponsored by Kratos Defense & Security Solutions.

“Process automation and orchestration have been staples of terrestrial telecom for decades,” said executive director Robert Bell. “The satellite services business is playing catch-up and, in the process, achieving new levels of quality and deeper integration with telecom and IT providers on the ground.”

WTA members can access the report by signing into their accounts on the WTA website. The report is free for WTA Members and available for purchase by others. Members may directly download the report by following this link.

More about Service Automation and Orchestration for Teleport Operators Incorporating automation into a network can improve the performance and efficiency of time-intensive, manual processes, reduce staff workload, remove the risk of human error and drive down costs for network operators. For a teleport operator, automation is fundamentally about ensuring that potential hardware and software errors do not interrupt customer services. At the same time, growing customer demands are driving teleports to improve their use of automation. The next step for many is orchestration, the process of linking together a series of automations.

In this report, WTA examines the growth of automation and orchestration of network operations in the satellite and teleport sector. We explore the extent to which satellite and teleport operators have embraced automation and orchestration, the benefits, the barriers and challenges it presents, the opportunities it creates and what the future might hold. In researching this report, we solicited and received input from more than a dozen teleport industry executives and technology experts, who offered a wide range of viewpoints on the subject.


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