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  • Satellite Evolution

Orolia’s Academic Partnership Program signs agreement with Mexican Space Agency

The Mexican Space Agency (AEM), a decentralized body of the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), and Orolia, the world leader in resilient, positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) solutions, have signed a Letter of Intent to support the development of applications and technologies that use GNSS geolocation systems as part of the Orolia Academic Partnership Program (OAPP). Under the terms of the partnership, OAPP will provide AEM and a select group of top Mexican universities with access to the Skydel Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Simulation Engine, the industry’s most advanced GNSS and PNT testing and simulation tool.

Dr. Salvador Landeros Ayala, General Director of the AEM, and Robert Burke, Sr. Director of Business Development at Orolia, believe the partnership will contribute to significant educational opportunities and act as a catalyst for the research and development of PNT devices and applications. Academic institutions will be able to integrate one of the most advanced tools available in the field into their educational curriculums and research programs.

The Skydel Simulation Engine can quickly benefit Mexico in many areas that use GPS/GNSS including military/defense, aerospace, transportation, freight tracking, municipalities and any industry that is migrating to position-aware devices or technologies Dr. Landeros said.

“With these and other actions, the collaboration will seek to inspire Mexican scientists, students and members of the Latin American scientific community, to join forces to contribute their knowledge to solve real problems directly in Mexico as well as globally,” Dr. Landros added.


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