SatLease Capital (SLC), the fintech company disrupting the satellite telecommunications industry, announced today that it has enhanced its partnership with Blue C Mobile (BCM), a leading satellite communications company specializing in providing simple, affordable, and flexible solutions for the maritime industry. The relationship was first announced late last year when it was revealed that SLC would be providing flexible financing solutions for Blue C Mobile customers seeking to simplify their satcom data solutions. The partnership has been so successful that it is now being expanded to include a range of leasing options for all of BCM’s hardware solutions.
“BCM is launching a portfolio of solutions that will enable smaller vessel owners and operators to access three times more data at triple the speed without increasing their monthly satellite communications costs,” stated Wesley Tham, Chief Executive Officer of BCM. “As a result of the cooperation between SatLease Capital and Blue C Mobile we’re democratising access to the realm of Big Data which will support key maritime industry initiatives such as improving operational efficiency, enhancing crew welfare and reducing carbon emissions regardless of the size of vessel.”
With the new offering, BCM has released a fully integrated and bundled solution including both hardware, airtime, and value-added services, all for a single monthly fee. This first-of-its-kind bundle aims to bridge the gap for smaller companies that historically would be relegated to using lower throughput communications technologies, such as Inmarsat Fleet Broadband or Iridium, due to budgetary constraints. By leveraging SLC’s market leading leasing framework, BCM will deliver a transparent pricing structure that simplifies the decision-making process for customers.
“We are helping BCM open up opportunities for thousands of vessels to access satellite connectivity across Europe, the middle-east, Africa, and the Asian-Pacific regions,” commented Mike Seery, Chief Commercial Officer at SatLease Capital. “This improved access to higher throughput connectivity services for many customers has the opportunity to truly change the game for industries that rely on satellite communications.”
The new leasing options will cover the range of BCM’s product and solution offerings including hardware from manufacturers such as Intellian Technologies, KNS and Cobham. Customers can order and access the whole portfolio of bundled services now from BCM and their network of value-added partners.